The University Diploma of “remote monitoring of cardiac implantable devices” has begun this October 7th, 2019 at Liryc. It will rely on the resources of Bordeaux’s teams, pioneers in France in the field of remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices, accounting today for more than 5000 patients.
The training is organized in 3 stages:
This diploma is fully dedicated to teaching the practical and theoretical bases of the functioning of implantable devices (implantable Holter, pacemaker, cardiac defibrillator and resynchronization) and the remote monitoring of these devices.
Required Title or Level: This Diploma is tailored to non-medical professionals involved in tele-monitoring in the field of implantable cardiac devices.
Location: IHU Liryc and Cardiology Service of Hopital Haut Lévêque (Pessac)
"Training and education is one of Liryc's four missions : to transfer the knowledge acquired within the institute through research, innovation and care activities, to enable as many people as possible to benefit from it »